Top 5 Rwanda Tours & Excursions, Things To Do While On Your Vacation To Rwanda.

5 rwanda tours & excursions

Rwanda’s top 5 most outstanding trips and tours of all time in are listed here. Are you ready to explore once more? Hermosa Life Tours has chosen the top five most thrilling excursions and tours in the country for you. A fantastic trip of discovery to Rwandan nature, adventure, sightseeing, culture and history, and wildlife.

  1. Mountain Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

mountain gorilla trekking in rwanda

Mountain Gorilla Rwanda

One of the best wildlife experiences you can have in Rwanda is seeing mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Volcanoes National Park is the ideal spot to see mountain gorillas in pristine, undisturbed bamboo forest.

Mountain gorilla trekking tours start in Musanze at the Volcanoes National Park headquarters. Once you get there, the park officers check your documents and assign you a professional guide and expert trackers. The guide will brief you on the rules and protocols for visiting these critically endangered creatures.

Speaking of endangered, please refrain from visiting the gorillas if you have a cold or the flu. Gorillas share about 98% of their DNA with humans and these respiratory infections can be fatal for the gentle giants.

After the park formalities are wrapped up, the mountain gorilla trek officially begins; it can range from 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on the location of the gorilla family allocated to you. Upon encountering them you will spend an hour with the family as they go on about with their daily life.

Gorillas’ lives are very simple; however, gorilla trekking is a very humbling and life changing experience no one can really put in words. Visit them for yourself.

Chimpanzee Trekking in Rwanda

chimpanzee trekking in rwanda

Chimpanzee Rwanda Nyungwe National Park

Prepare to be immersed in chimpanzee tracking, one of Rwanda’s most authentic wildlife experiences, in Nyungwe National Park’s jungle.

Chimpanzee tracking starts early in the morning at 4:30 a.m. from Gisakura reception center. Once you reach your designated tracking sector, you will embark on trails that leads you to where the chimpanzees are. You can see their nests, watch them eat from a variety of plants and keeping a balanced diet, taking care of their young ones, grooming each other, hunting and sharing.

This activity is quite thrilling, no matter how fit you think you are it will make you break a sweat. Remember to bring your energy snacks for when you might find them on the move and have to follow them in the forest.

Book your chimpanzee tracking safari and be able to feel the passage of the chimps in their natural habitat in this adventure reserve. Let the journey begin!

Hiking Bisoke Volcano

hiking bisoke volcano

Bisoke Volcano Hiking

Hiking is a fantastic way to appreciate what nature has to give, a way for nature to supply us with some much-needed therapy; and it’s also cost-effective, depending on where we go.

At 3,711 meters above sea level, Bisoke volcano is one of Rwanda’s most popular hiking sites, with a trekking reward of “a top crater lake” at the volcano’s summit. The hike lasts for 6 hours, depend on hikers’ pace; 4 hours going up and two hours coming back.

Bisoke has a second trail, which is easier for beginners. This second trail leads to a small crater lake situated at approximately 3,000 meters above the sea level, lake Ngezi. This hike only lasts for 3 hours, 2 hours going up and 1 coming back down.

Both trails offer you glorious panoramic views of distant volcanoes and verdant rolling hills. On a clear day you can even see farther past the boarders of Rwanda and DRC.

As a hiker choose the trail that feels right for you, pack a lot of water and energy snacks, rest whenever your body needs to, it is totally fine, and most importantly enjoy the thrill.

Game drive / Wildlife Excursion Akagera National Park

wildlife excursion akagera national park

Lions Akagera National Park

Rwanda’s only savannah park is Akagera National Park. Game drives provide opportunities to see a wide range of animals, birds, and breathtaking scenery. The Akagera National Park in eastern Rwanda is home to over 500 bird species and a variety of mammals, including Africa’s Big 5 (lions, leopards, rhinoceroses, elephants, and Cape buffalo), as well as giraffes, Bushbucks, Hippos, Impalas, Topis, Zebras, and more animals to look out for. The southern gate of the park is used for entry, while the northern gate is used to exit.

In addition to incredible day and night game drives, Akagera National Park also offers spectacular hot air balloon rides that start early in the morning before the sun rises, and memorable morning and sunset boat rides on lake Ihema, which gives you a rare opportunity to be one with nature and witness wildlife at its purest and most authentic state.

Kigali City Tours Experience

kigali city tours experience

Kigali City Night

A sightseeing tour is a wonderful opportunity to get to know Kigali city, check off must-see attractions on your trip itinerary, meet locals, and learn about Rwandan culture, history, cuisine, and other things to do in Kigali.

Recommend places to visit while in Kigali:

  • The Kigali Genocide Memorial.
  • Nyamirammbo Women’s Center.
  • Inema Arts Center.
  • Rwanda Arts Museum.
  • Kandt House Museum.
  • Campaign Against Genocide Museum.
  • Niyo Art Gallery.
  • Kimironko Market.
  • Mount Kigali.


Best time to visit Rwanda?

Rwanda’s climate is relatively cool all year round. Rwanda has four climatic seasons during which the long rainy (March-April-May) and short rainy (September-October-November) seasons alternate with long dry (June-July-August) and short dry seasons (December-January-February).

How many days?

Nature lovers, adventurers, sightseers, culture and history enthusiasts, and animal lovers will enjoy the five excursions listed above. Rwanda provides everything you need for a remarkable vocation. You can arrange anything from a day trip to a week and beyond.

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